Business Retirement Plan Services

Why work with Heartland Bank and Trust Company?

The employee retirement plan you choose can make a major difference for the people who work for you. Flexible solutions are key, which is why Heartland Bank’s “Roadways to Retirement” program is built to be responsive.

  • True open architecture on plan investments.
    As the plan sponsor, your company can select the strongest investment options from hundreds of fund families and a self-directed window option. Other programs in the marketplace don’t have the flexibility and variety you’ll find here.
  • Simplifying life for Human Resources.
    More than recordkeeping, we partner with third party administrators to deliver comprehensive administrative services. Each pay period we receive a complete census file that covers all of your employees, taking the burden from HR and freeing your team to serve the business and staff more efficiently.
  • Professional, technical expertise with personal service.
    The regulations that govern retirement plans can change pretty often. At Heartland Bank we understand the latest laws, and we make sure all clients are kept up to date on their options. Your plan will have an Advisor and Plan Consultant, people you can contact with questions for the life of your plan.
  • Fiduciary services from a Professional Trustee.
    Fiduciary trustees are legally obligated to act in the interest of their clients, which is different from the type of relationship you might encounter in other financial relationships. We take a comprehensive approach that gives you peace of mind, and supports the work of your retirement plan committee.
  • A complete and multifaceted education program for plan participants.
    We take the time to make sure your employees understand their plan options by hosting regular meetings wherever they’re at: the office, the warehouse, or the shop. We connect in a variety of ways, so people understand the options for their retirement savings and are empowered to make their own decisions.
  • The latest technology and features.
    You’ll enjoy personalized rates of return, automatic account rebalancing, online fact sheets and prospectuses, a self-directed brokerage account option, an online “file cabinet” for participant and plan sponsor reports, and other features that help you keep your plan operating the way you want it. New features are rolled out periodically, so our program stays current.

Existing Members

Securities and insurance products are NOT deposits of Heartland Bank, are NOT FDIC insured, are NOT guaranteed by or obligations of the bank, and are subject to potential fluctuation in return and possible loss of principal.

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