Credit Repair/Builder Loan Program
Credit Builder
It can be hard to establish credit when you’re starting out. With a Credit Builder loan, the amount you borrow is placed in a Heartland Bank Simply Savings Account , where it’s held as collateral. Basically, it’s a bit of security to ensure the loan is repaid. You will build your credit rating as you make your payments on time each month. Once you’ve repaid the loan, you’ll have access to the original amount you borrowed.
Credit Repair
If you’re looking to improve your credit, the Credit Repair loan is the tool you need. Half of the amount you borrow is deposited into a Simply Savings account and held as collateral. The other half is given to you. You can do as you wish with the money you receive, and as long as you make your regular monthly payments on the full amount of the loan, your credit will grow. Once you’ve repaid the entire loan, you’ll have access to the amount that was held as collateral.