Business Loans

You can make confident decisions when you work with a lender who has the experience to understand your business’s unique needs. The people of Heartland Bank and Trust live where you do, and we make our business decisions at the local level. There’s no central corporate office across the country who has to approve the paperwork. It’s you and your banker, for the betterment of your business.

We offer a variety of business loans, all at competitive rates.

At one time or another, every business can benefit from an infusion of financial capital. When it’s time for new equipment, when you’re considering an acquisition, you need to rebuild inventory, or refinance some other debt, we can help.

If your business needs are better suited to a line of credit, Heartland Bank has a range of amounts that renew as you pay them back.

If your business needs are better suited to a line of credit, Heartland Bank has a range of amounts that renew as you pay them back.

The Small Business Administration (SBA) is a government agency that partners with local banks and other lenders to support entrepreneurs and small businesses that may face some obstacles when they try to get traditional business loans.

Because they’re backed by the federal government, SBA loans can be repaid over a longer period of time, and there’s no penalty for paying off the loan early. The application is streamlined, and our SBA experts are here to help you settle on which type of SBA loan is right for you.

To learn more about Heartland Bank’s Business Loans, contact one of our commercial lending experts.

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